You can't have a business name like Twenty/Aught if you don't love to fish for sharks! Some of the coolest and most exciting fishing we do. We love to offer these trips to our customers that are ready to fish for something a bit bigger!
Although some species can be harvested and make for excellent eating, the main purpose of these trips should really be for the experience of hooking into a shark. We will harvest legal species that are legal size as long as the customer understands the amount of fish they are committing to bringing home.
Twenty/Aught is proud to say that we will be equipping our customers with the very best shark fishing setups money can buy. All of our rods are custom made with full roller guides. We use large 50 Wide reels and 500lb Mono! These are powerful, fast, and aggressive fish and we want to make sure that once we hook them you will land them!
Customers will enjoy fighting sharks from either fighting chairs or stand up harnesses and sometimes a curious shark will even take a strip bait pitched out using heavy spinning rod setups!
Twenty/Aught shark fishing believes strongly in the health, safety and management of sharks. We harvest very few sharks and because the majority of our sharks are released healthy we make sure to make every effort to retrieve our hooks back. A common practice among others is to just cut the line. For us, this is an absolute last resort! We pride ourselves on not only the number of sharks landed but the number of hooks retrieved!
For the 2022 and 2023 season all MAKOS have been been banned from harvest in an effort to see the species rebound! ALL MAKOS must be released!
THRESHER Sharks must be a minimum size of 54 Inches 1 per trip!
Twenty/Aught is proud and honored to partner with the Atlantic Shark Institute! We will continue to take part in their Coastal Shark Tagging Study. Part of this study is to deploy Acoustic tags in specific shark species. These tagged sharks then swim within range of the institutes "Pinger" Buoys and will then give vital movement data from that shark.
If you are on a trip where we tag a shark you will get to name your shark!
Shark Institute and the RI Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) are collaborating on this study to tag recreationally-significant pelagic sharks in Southern New England. Shark species of focus include the shortfin mako, thresher, and blue shark. The study will use various tag types, including acoustic and Smart Position or Temperature Transmitting (SPOT) tags over the course of this study to better understand these species movement ecology, including seasonal migration patterns, their use of state waters, and the oceanographic habitats they frequent. Data from this work will be made available for improving the science that is used to inform management measures and ensure the species sustainability.
For more information on the Shark Institutes research CLICK HERE
It's ok...
We Get These Alot....
What should I bring with me?
We suggest that you bring sunscreen, sunglasses, extra clothing and any food or beverages that you may need for the day. Please keep coolers to a minimum by storing them in your vehicle to use to transport your fish home!
Do I need my own fishing equipment?
No, the C-Angel provides customers with the best and latest fishing gear. All rods, reels, bait, and tackle supplies that you may need will be available to you!
What should I wear?
We suggest that you dress in layers for your fishing trip. It is recommended that you wear non slip shoes as the deck can get a little slippery and clothing that you don’t mind getting a little dirty! Depending on the weather and the season that you fish with us, you may want to bring warm clothing and rain gear. Please use your best judgment when anticipating weather conditions on the day of your trip!
How early do I need to arrive for my trip?
Please arrive at least 15-20 minutes before your departure time. This will ensure that you are settled in and comfortable before the trip begins. This will give the Captain and crew enough time to introduce themselves, discuss safety aboard the C-Angel and answer any additional questions you may have about the trip. If you are late to departure time the return time will not be extended.
Is there a restroom on board?
Yes, there is a private enclosed restroom "Head" on board.
How many people are allowed on the charter?
The maximum amount of people that we can take is 6 people per trip not including the Captain and crew. The vessel and Captain are licensed for no more than 6 people.
What type of safety equipment is aboard the C-Angel?
The C-Angel is equipped with US Coast Guard approved life jackets for all passengers, life raft, multiple fire extinguishers, visual distress signals for emergencies, and an updated first aid kit. Captain Jasper Coutu is certified in CPR, First Aid, AED and has additional Vessel Safety and Survival Training.
Are we guaranteed to catch fish?
We guarantee that we will try our best to land you on fish. However, it is not guaranteed that the fish will always be there or that they’ll always bite. There are many factors to take into consideration that are out of our control. The saying goes... "If they're there, we'll catch them."
Is gratuity included?
Gratuity is not included in the price of the trip. It is recommended that the mate receives 20% of the cost of the trip. The crew work very hard to offer the best trip possible and a tip is very much appreciated.
Do you process the fish? Do I need my own cooler?
Any fish that you intend to keep will be properly bled and processed to ensure the freshest table fare when you get back home. All fish will be filleted, skinned, bagged and put on ice. We do bring our own ice and coolers however an extra cooler is never a bad idea.
How many fish am I allowed to keep?
You will be made aware of all catch and size limits before fishing begins. That said even though you may be able to take a certain amount does not mean that is always the goal. We tell everyone they are allowed to limit out they're bag limits whether that is 1 fish per person or 10 per person, we believe heavily in a sustainable fishery and urge party members to take what they can eat. Let the rest go so they can grow!
Can we Drink Alcohol?
You can! We do make the suggestion though to try and limit consumption while at sea. For your own safety and well being while aboard a moving vessel and hot sun we ask to be mindful of how much you drink. We also remind customers that our main focus in providing this trip is to catch fish and do so effectively and safely. Enjoy yourselves but please be responsible.